Sunday, July 28, 2024

Information Guide on Co-operatives

Essentially, what we are looking for is an existing, complete, high quality training program which has been expertly revised to meet the needs and learning levels of our participants. These are groups of 20-40 women who jointly farm a hectare or two and either sell the produce or divide it among themselves. The women need basic and practical sessions, tailored to their level of education, trainer koperasi to their likely application of the principles, and to the legal, regulatory, and cultural norms of their societies. 5a. Obtain, complete and return, via email, your Degree Program Application Form and fee, and your Cooperative Contract as per the instructions on the forms. The first training should be broad-based to serve as an introduction to all cooperative members. • Demonstrated skills in creating training and implementation plans. • Understanding of economic development work in areas of severe poverty. It would be useful to distinguish five different kinds of research areas that our discussions hit upon, within each of which we found several specific possible projects. Pro-bono services are offered when funds are available, particularly for eligible rural areas.

What are the incentives for a freelance consultant to do that? The consultant will work with WfWI staff in Washington to prepare two sets of training materials. The consultant will utilize research findings to produce the following: (a) confidential mapping of existing informal and formal mechanisms of cooperation, including a gap analysis, to inform subsequent capacity development activities; and (b) public policy brief analyzing international cooperation mechanisms and offering recommendations to improve existing frameworks or enhance their utilization. The selected consultant will have demonstrated understanding of the nuances around informal and formal cooperation existing in the Greater Horn of Africa, including Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards on international cooperation mechanisms and AML/CFT. The Global Center on Cooperative Security (Global Center) is seeking a part-time consultant to map existing formal and informal mechanisms of cooperation in and between Djibouti, Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda (herein referred to as, the “focus countries”). The consultant will review existing national and regional legal frameworks and agreements, mutual evaluation reports, and other primary and secondary data related to international cooperation on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) in the focus countries. The consultant will also contribute to the production of a reference guide for central and competent authorities regarding executing and responding to requests for information in a timely fashion, in line with identified procedures for cooperation.

While WfWI is beginning a series of classes in business skills which will improve some basic commercial skills, the specifics of cooperatives are not included. We are looking for a short-term consultant to design a training program to be used in all countries where WfWI operates. In some countries this is easy enough to do; in others not so. WfWI has developed a grassroots program committed to helping women become economically sustainable, lead change in their communities, and begin to build a prosperous and stable future for their countries. A good way to learn and remember the material on these pages and in the Greenwich Program Handbook you will receive, is to change it into questions, as in the example above. The position will remain open until filled. Applicants will be contacted directly to schedule an interview. The second training will be for a much smaller number of women, the potential managers of the cooperatives, and be much longer.

As they progress, it will be in their interest to create formal cooperatives, to register their collaborative activity as a legal entity. You also will score unusually high on course exams, if given, at the end of the semester because you will have in hand the questions to the exams and the answers too. Of course we need to be careful about the unrealistic nature of these mental experiments, and not let the modeling become an end in itself. One important aspect of the limitations on information dispersal is the one-way nature of references in scholarly literature. One of the first projects that needs to be undertaken is to see just how much there is in existing computer modeling, inside or outside of economics, which we might critically examine as illuminating the properties of spontaneous order processes. In 1966 Union Carbide Corporation formed a corporate-level Technical Services Group in New York City, and Dorn was one of four people selected to staff it. When the Technical Services Group was broken up a few years later, its members were assigned to various Union Carbide data centers. How shall we describe this group?